Florian Fiaux (ECON): Papers on Term Structure and Abnormal Returns
Event Details:
475 Via Ortega
Room 305
Stanford, CA 94305
United States
The Term Structure of Transition Risk
Authors: Florian Fiaux, Chris Kontz
Abstract: We estimate a reduced-form term structure of climate transition risk related to climate change using traded and synthetic dividend strips.
We document several novel facts about transition risk:
(i) There is considerable time variation in the impact of climate policy uncertainty on dividend yields.
(ii) The impact is positive and downward sloping during the Obama administration.
(iii) The effect becomes zero for shorter maturities and negative for longer maturities during the Trump administration.
Abnormal Returns and Alpha Frequencies
Author: Florian Fiaux
Abstract: I decompose abnormal returns into orthogonal components of different frequencies corresponding to cycles of different lengths. This decomposition allows to quantify the importance of components with different levels of persistence in abnormal returns. Looking at abnormal returns of a portfolio formed on the size of earning surprises, I find a decreasing share of persistent components in abnormal returns over time. Comparatively, I find that persistent components explain a larger share of abnormal returns for a momentum 12 months portfolio than for a portfolio formed on earnings surprises.