Affiliates Program
Program Participants
Member companies in the AFTLab Affiliates Program share an interest in the research and educational activities of the Lab. The Affiliates Program is supported by corporate membership fees of $175,000 per year and is designed to foster a productive relationship between academia and industry. These funds support research and facilitate the exploration of innovative ideas.
Member Benefits
Membership in AFTLab will facilitate communication and participation between Stanford University and members as follows:
- Members will be invited to attend AFTLab events, including the Fintech Seminar series, the AI in Fintech Forum, and doctoral student research talks.
- Members will be named as sponsors with a dedicated table at the annual AI in Fintech Forum.
- Members can send a visitor to the Lab. The visitor will be subject to the Stanford policies regarding Visiting Scholars, in effect as of the date such Visiting Scholar is designated.
- Members will receive one seat on the AFTLab Advisory Board.
- Members will have opportunities to learn about research ideas and results in progress. Data and information resulting from AFTLab research will be shared with members. Stanford retains first rights to publish such data and information.
- Members will have opportunities to directly interface with AFTLab faculty, postdocs, and students. Members may receive preprints and reprints of copies of (or access to) research reports, papers and other publications originated by faculty and students associated with the AFTLab.
- Members will have an opportunity to recruit students for summer internships as well as full time employment after graduation.
- Members will be invited to executive visits on campus.
Members may provide additional funding above the membership fees to support an area of ongoing research being conducted by AFTLab. All research results arising from the use of the additional funding will be shared with all AFTLab members and the public. A member may request that the additional funding go to support a particular area of AFTLab research, or that the additional funding be used for AFTLab research in a specific faculty laboratory, as long as the faculty is identified as participating in AFTLab. In either instance, the faculty director of AFTLab determines how the additional funds will be used in AFTLab research.
Research Results and Open Source Software
This program is governed by Stanford University’s published policies on research and treatment of research results. The Advanced Financial Technologies Laboratory Affiliates Program will use and develop open-source software, and it is the intention of Advanced Financial Technologies Laboratory Affiliates Program that any software will be released under an open source model.
Contact Information
For more information, please contact: Kay Giesecke (Director),